If You Desire to be a Great Vessel in God’s Hands to Destroy the Works of Satan in these Last Days, then Read This!

The end is near. The signs are everywhere. There are lots of strange occurrences. Pastor John Hagee recently said, “I sense that there is an urgency in our world climate today that has never existed before.” This is true.

The devil is mobilizing his forces for the final onslaught because he is wiser than many believers, and knows that his time is short. He is recruiting his armies from all categories of people: the young and old, illiterate, educated, rich, poor, deformed, men, women, children, etc.

The Church, on the other hand, has rested on Her oars and become so conducive for satan and his agents. Through “affiliation” and “association,” the Church has leaked the precious secrets of the Kingdom to Her enemies. Her secret weapons have been discovered by satan and his agents.

In some Churches, there is no discipline or self-control of any kind. Sins like gossip, disunity, hatred, and malice are prevalent. Who then are the ones to make up the End-Time Army of Christ to fight against the well-organized force of the devil?

✓ “GOD’S END-TIME ARMY” is a heart cry for the Church to return to God’s original standards.

In an era where everyone does what feels good in the Church, God has raised a voice like John the Revelator of old to speak the RAW TRUTH to both Church members and their leaders alike.

✓ GOD’S END-TIME ARMY” is a revelational treatise of the onslaught of satan against God’s Church in these Last Days.

It is a call similar to that of the Prophet Joel thousands of years back, for the Church to return to Biblical Holiness and Power, to “WAKE UP THE MIGHTY MEN AND LET THEM PREPARE FOR WAR.

 Through heart-touching encounters of the author, you will discover how much the devil has infested the Church, how to recognize his wiles, and uncommon secrets to help you overcome them.

If you are a great and useful vessel in the Hands of the Master, to destroy the works of satan in these Last Days, or you greatly desire to be one, then get GOD'S END-TIME ARMY now! Or, head over to https://kingsviewbooks.com/ and get this NEWEST RELEASE for free!
